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Hello! I'm Abby. My Chinese name is Wang Xiaowen (王曉雯). I was born in Minnesota and raised in Georgia. I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Emory University in Chinese Language & Literature and Human Health. This blog documents my year as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant (ETA) in Taichung, Taiwan from August 2016-June 2017. As a Fulbright ETA, I taught grades 1-6 at two elementary schools in Fengyuan District (豐原區).

The title of my blog is “Waiguoren in Taiwan.” In Mandarin Chinese, waiguoren (外國人) means “foreigner.” This blog captures a snapshot of my time teaching English in Taiwan.

Thank you for visiting my site!

– AH –

Disclaimer: This is not an official Department of State website or blog, and the views and information presented are my own and do not represent the Fulbright Program of the U.S. Department of State.


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© 2016 by Abby Holst.

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